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Boston has a tradition unlike any other city in America. It was here in 1773, when America was still a colony of the British Empire and residents, angered over a heavy tax on tea imposed by King George III, launched a bold nighttime protest in which they dumped 342 chests of English tea into the Boston Harbor. The “Boston Tea Party,” as the raid was called, was the first major event that would lead to the American Revolution.
While proud of its history, Boston has adjusted well to modernity. In 2004, Boston finally completed its decades long “Big Dig” project. The stunning Leonard P. Zakim Bridge, with a width of 180 feet, is the widest cable stayed bridge in the world and the crowning achievement in the single most expensive feat of civil engineering in human history. The completion of the project has made a city already laced with stunning parks and colonial era architecture even more beautiful.
New York
En route to New York: Yale University #3 in National Rankings
Columbia , NYC #18 in National Rankings
New York City may be small in size, but it’s huge in numbers, energy and attitude. It’s the most densely populated city in North America with 8 million citizens on just 830 square kilometers of land. It has always been a city of immigrants, and, even today, about one-third of its citizens are foreign-born. Roughly 138 languages are spoken here, and vibrant new ethnic enclaves pop up all over the city, offering visitors a vast array of interesting cultural and culinary experiences.
Philadelphia is a city of vibrant neighborhoods bordered by a region of charming towns, with each area owning a distinctive personality.
Georgetown University #22 in National Rankings
The nation’s capital is the hub of the United States machinery. This the city that steers the future of the country; it is more than a political enclave. There is culture, diversity , events and a magical feeling everyone should experience, at least once in their lives.
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